Many individuals claim to have a relationship with Jesus. This relationship is on their own terms. What does the Bible say about Christ’s relationship with believers? Does this relationship match the one you claim to have? Ppt: Having A Relationship With Christ Outline: Having A Relationship With Christ Audio: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: Having A Relationship With ChristSubject Index
The apostle John begins his first epistle in similar fashion to his gospel, the subject being “the Word of life.” This “Word of life” “was from the beginning.” Like John’s gospel, this Word was not merely an idea or illusion, but was tangible. “The Word became flesh” (John 1:14). John, and the other apostles, had …
Continue reading Pondering Scripture: 1 John 1:1-4The great faith of Abraham is displayed in Genesis 22. “God tested Abraham” by requiring him to make a three day journey to “the land of Moriah” to give his only son, Isaac, as a burnt offering. This account is remembered in Hebrews the eleventh chapter – “By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered …
Continue reading Article: JehovahjirehHaving just discussed the origin of prophecy (cf. 1:19-21), Peter introduces the topic of false teachers. Just like there were those who falsely claimed to be prophets of God, there will be those who falsely claim to be teachers of His word. These false teachers Peter warns about will crop up among the brethren. They …
Continue reading Pondering Scripture: 2 Peter 2:1-3Pride is destructive because God hates it, and it is sin. It proves destructive in many ways. Christians should be humble, not proud and arrogant. Ppt: Destructive Pride Outline: Destructive Pride Audio: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: Destructive PrideThe apostle Paul was viewed by some as being beside himself. By preaching the word, and living by it, he was seen as different. As Christians we can expect the same. This sermon discusses a few topics that Christians are expected to be involved in that would seem crazy, or different to the world. Ppt: Beside …
Continue reading Sermon: Beside Ourselves for God“Here I raise my Ebenezer; Hither by Thy help I’ve come; And I hope by Thy good pleasure safely to arrive at home” – O Thou Fount Of Every Blessing The Ebenezer – stone of help – was a memorial stone to honor God’s help. After God delivered the Israelites from the hands of the …
Continue reading Article: Here I Raise My EbenezerAs citizens of a country as diverse as America we see miscellaneous religions, occupations, cultures, etc. This is due to the concept of free-will. God has provided us with the liberty to choose. America has deemed it fit to uphold this fundamental truth of life. However, transcending all choices is the expectation from God on …
Continue reading Article: Walking With GodThere is nothing new about global terrorism. Terrorists have plagued the earth in the past, and will continue to do so in the future. There is a common denominator associated with the attacks that is supported by an overwhelming amount of evidence – they have been motivated by the Islamic religion. Recently, terrorists have once …
Continue reading Notable News: Call it what it is!As Peter continues to instruct the brethren on having the mind of Christ, and living according to God in the spirit, he supplies them with some further expectations. As we approach the second coming of Christ our minds should be focused on those things that are most important. We should be serious in our service …
Continue reading Pondering Scripture: 1 Peter 4:7-11