Subject Index

Christians are to be those who profess godliness. The attire of a Christian should be consistent with this profession. Principles of godliness throughout scripture like holiness, love for fellow man, influence in the world, and raising children in godliness should be carefully considered in the topic of modest attire. Ppt: Concerning Modesty – Applying Principles of …

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If our loved ones who have passed away were here – with the knowledge they have attained in their experience of death, and what comes after – what might they say to us? Ppt: If they were here what would they say? Outline: If they were here what would they say? To download, right-click on the title …

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When considering modesty there are two opposite ends of the spectrum. Ostentatious (excessive) dress and sexually attractive (insufficient) dress. This sermon considers each as they contrast with the godly character the Christian is to profess with their dress. Ppt: Concerning Modesty – Ostentatious and Sexually Attractive Dress Outline: Concerning Modesty – Ostentatious and Sexually Attractive Dress To …

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As he instructed Titus about things fitting for “sound doctrine,” Paul wrote for him to exhort bondservants to act with integrity and goodness in their service “that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in all things” (Titus 2:10). The power of God to salvation is in the gospel of Christ, but we …

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In 1 Timothy 2:9-10 Paul gives instruction concerning the need for modest attire. Why must Christians dress modestly? What is modest attire? Can we draw a line? How can we know that line? Ppt: Concerning Modesty Outline: Concerning Modesty To download, right-click on the title in the track list and select “Save link as…”

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In 1 Timothy 2:1-8, the apostle Paul gives instruction concerning prayer. Prayer is a vital part of the lives of God’s children. It is also a powerful tool that should be used by God’s will for those who don’t have the privilege. Prayer should be offered in an acceptable fashion. Ppt: An Exhortation to Pray Outline: An …

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The one justified by faith in Christ is blessed immensely with the prospect of life eternal with God. This hope, unlike anything else, will surely not disappoint. Why? “Because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us” (Romans 5:5). Paul goes on to …

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1 Timothy 1 is considered in context, and application is made. What is the purpose of the commandment, sound doctrine, the glorious gospel? Ppt: The Purpose of the Commandment Outline: The Purpose of the Commandment To download, right-click on the title in the track list and select “Save link as…”

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How did sin once gain dominion in our lives? How did we escape? How do we remain free? Using Romans 6:12-14 these questions are considered. Ppt: Sin’s Ascent to Dominion Outline: Sin’s Ascent to Dominion To download, right-click on the title in the track list and select “Save link as…”

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1 Corinthians 3:5-17 is used to consider three things to keep in mind when we are seeking to spread the gospel. Ppt: Things to Remember When Planting and Watering Outline: Things to Remember When Planting and Watering To download, right-click on the title in the track list and select “Save link as…”

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