The appearance of leadership roles being filled by women in various religious bodies is common. This has affected the church, and must be addressed in one way, by appealing to scripture. We must not ask what society says about the role of women, but what God said. Using the inspired word, the role of women …
Continue reading Sermon: Women Preachers – Authorized, or not?Subject Index
Any honest person with the slightest sense of morality and sound logic has a strong aversion for Planned Parenthood or any other related institution. The fundamental idea of abortion is abysmal, and their support and practice of it is enough to set them apart as the scum of the earth. They have no regard for …
Continue reading Notable News: Planned Parenthood Radio AdAs Jesus hung on the cross, His mother, and disciple whom He loved, stood nearby. Even in tremendous pain Jesus had compassion for them. They were filled with sorrow while watching their close companion suffer, and Jesus acknowledged their troubled hearts. (Lesson 3 of 8 – Spoken From The Cross) Ppt: Spoken From The Cross …
Continue reading Sermon: Spoken From The Cross – Woman, behold your son!Matthew 22 records Jesus being questioned by the Pharisees, Herodians, Sadducees, and a lawyer. The questions are considered, as well as their motive. The chapter ends with Jesus asking a question Himself. Ppt: Questioning Jesus Outline: Questioning Jesus Download: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: Questioning JesusJesus showed great love and compassion for mankind as He suffered on the cross. Even after the unjust treatment He received, from the trial to the punishment, and also as He was nailed to the tree, He desired the best for humanity. His intercession on the peoples behalf as the first words He spoke after …
Continue reading Sermon: Spoken From The Cross – Father, Forgive ThemPaul told both Timothy and Titus how they were to deal with those who longed for, and taught fables. This lesson discusses what the fables were, and how we can make application of such instruction today. Only the word of God can save, stories cannot. Ppt: Preaching Fables Outline: Preaching Fables Download: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: Preaching FablesWhen adversity strikes, our true person is revealed – “If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small” (Proverbs 24:10). Jesus showed great strength and character in the hours leading to His death, and as He hung upon the cross. The words He uttered while suffering on the cross show His character …
Continue reading Sermon: Spoken From The Cross – When Adversity StrikesThis sermon discusses the importance of joining a local group of believers. In order to fulfill all responsibilities God has given the Christian, this must occur. Ppt: Identifying Oneself With A Local Congregation Outline: Identifying Oneself With A Local Congregation
Continue reading Sermon: Identifying Oneself With A Local CongregationThe vast wisdom of God in all His institutions is unmistakable. His designs are without flaw, and excel in functionality. He accomplishes things which exceed our own ability, and are consistently too wonderful to comprehend. From “the dust of the ground” (Genesis 2:7) and His own breath He set in motion the elements of human …
Continue reading Article: Like a Little ChildThe life of a Christian is full of decisions. We must constantly be aware of the broad way and the narrow way, always having the perspective to choose the latter (cf. Matthew 7:13-14). This lesson discusses some various choices Christians must make. Ppt: Some Forks In The Road Outline: Some Forks in the Road To …
Continue reading Sermon: Some Forks in the Road