

Paul began his second epistle to the Thessalonians as usual. He named himself, and those with him – “Silvanus (Roman for Silas), and Timothy.” Both men accompanied Paul throughout parts of his ministry. Timothy was especially dear to Paul (cf. 1 Timothy 1:2; 2 Timothy 1:2). The epistle is addressed to the assembly “of the …

Continue reading 2 Thessalonians 1:1-5

Genesis 4 records the story of the first brothers, Cain and Abel. They offered God sacrifices, and only Abel’s was respected. In jealous anger, Cain murdered his brother. Several lessons can be learned from this account. Ppt: Cain and Abel Outline: Cain and Abel Download: mp3

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After being moved to compassion by the scene of the weary and scattered multitudes, Jesus said, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest” (9:37-38). It is then that Jesus chose twelve from among His disciples to be His …

Continue reading On Discipleship (Matthew 10)


Ancient Babylon is alluded to in order to refer to Rome. The reason is evident, for Babylon and Rome share despicable qualities. Both were world-ruling cities filled with ungodliness, and a haughtiness which ignored impending doom. Thinking herself invincible, Babylon fell. The same would be true for Rome. Rome did not stand alone in indecency, …

Continue reading Pondering Scripture: Revelation 18:1-8

The letter to the church in Smyrna in Revelation includes the exhortation to remain faithful even to the point of death. This is a mindset all Christians must have. Are you willing to die for Christ’s sake? Ppt: Faithful Until Death     Outline: Faithful Until Death     Audio: mp3

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The apostle Paul did not have a life void of trouble. His responsibilities as an apostle of Christ, and preacher of Christ, included persecution and hardship. As he wrote earlier, “Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution” (3:12). This did not weaken Paul to the point of spiritual …

Continue reading Pondering Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:17-18

“Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.” – 2 Timothy 3:12 – “Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in this matter.” – 1 Peter 4:16 – Jesus had a task for His twelve disciples. As the incarnate …

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Of the letters written to the seven churches in Asia, the one addressed to Smyrna was one of two without complaint. This letter is one of immense encouragement to the church experiencing great persecution. Under the rule of Domitian, emperor worship was obligatory. The Christians in Smyrna found themselves in trials day after day, choosing …

Continue reading Pondering Scripture: Revelation 2:8-11

Sermon: The Beatitudes

Sermon 1 of 8 from The Sermon on the Mount. Who will make up the kingdom of God? What benefits come with being in the kingdom? Blessed (happy) are they that… Ppt: The Beatitudes Outline: The Beatitudes Audio: mp3

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