
After experiencing the vision of the Macedonian plea for help (cf. 16:9-10), Paul – along with the company of Silas, Timothy, and Luke – journeyed to Philippi to preach the gospel. God’s plan to preach the gospel to the Jews led Paul firstly to the synagogue upon entering a city. However, Philippi had no synagogue, …

Continue reading Pondering Scripture: Acts 16:11-15

Jeff discusses the importance of redeeming our time while on earth. He points out some ways in which God expects us to redeem our time. Ppt: Redeeming the Time     Audio: mp3

Continue reading Sermon: Redeeming The Time (Jeff Burnett)

In the first four chapters of Paul’s first Corinthian letter he dealt with sectarianism, and pride amongst his readers. Some were saying, “’I am of Paul,’ or ‘I am of Apollos,’ or ‘I am of Cephas,’ or ‘I am of Christ’” (1 Corinthians 1:12). In doing so they were exalting themselves above others. This caused …

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