God commanded Moses to relay a message to the Israelite nation after the Exodus: “’You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles’ wings and brought you to Myself. Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special …
Continue reading The VeilSalvation
Part 4 in a series of lessons which consider the teachings of Jesus in the upper room, shortly before going to the garden to be betrayed. “Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me’” (John 14:6). Ppt: In the Upper Room (4) …
Continue reading Sermon: In the Upper Room (4) – The Way, the Truth, and the LifePart 3 in a series of lessons seeking to identify the one church in the New Testament (cf. Ephesians 1:22-23; 4:4). “And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved” (Acts 2:47b). The church of the New Testament was the body of the saved. How were they saved? What “plan of …
Continue reading Sermon: Identifying the One Church (3) – Plan of SalvationIn the early 1980’s, a once avowed and devoted atheist by the name of Lee Strobel rejected the notion of a godless world and claimed belief in Jesus Christ as the Son of God. After hearing his wife proclaim faith in God, he ruthlessly set out to expose what he believed to be a superstitious, …
Continue reading “The Case for Christ” – A ReviewPart 2 in a series of lessons which consider the teachings of Jesus in the upper room, shortly before going to the garden to be betrayed. While eating the Passover Feast in the upper room with His disciples, the Lord instituted a new memorial which is focused on the sacrificial death of Himself for us. …
Continue reading Sermon: In the Upper Room (2) – The Lord’s SupperPart 1 in a series of lessons seeking to identify the one church in the New Testament (cf. Ephesians 1:22-23; 4:4). This lesson focuses on the establishment of the church in prophecy and fulfillment. Ppt: Identifying the One Church (1) – Establishment Outline: Identifying the One Church (1) – Establishment To download, right-click on the title in …
Continue reading Sermon: Identifying the One Church (1) – EstablishmentAn exegesis of 1 Timothy 1 – Paul’s charge for Timothy. Ppt: Teach No Other Doctrine Outline: Teach No Other Doctrine To download, right-click on the title in the track list and select “Save link as…”
Continue reading Sermon: Teach No Other Doctrine“Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not impute iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit.” (Psalm 32:1-2) This lesson is essentially a study of justification by faith that is seen under the New Covenant, and before. It seeks to …
Continue reading Sermon: Forgiveness Under the Old Testament (Parts 1 & 2)“Since you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit in sincere love of the brethren, love one another fervently with a pure heart, having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever, because ‘All flesh is as grass, and all …
Continue reading Born of Incorruptible SeedIn an effort to show the Corinthians how his ministry as an apostle was without offense or blame, Paul described his ministry. This lesson specifically considers the paradoxes of the apostolic ministry in 2 Corinthians 6:8-10. Ppt: Paradoxes of the Ministry Outline: Paradoxes of the Ministry Download: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: Paradoxes of the Ministry