

Men draw up plans for various facets of their lives. There are times when these plans find success, and times when things do not pan out. The lack of control men have is manifest in the frequency of their failed plans. Sometimes big plans fall through, and sometimes small. Regardless of the time and effort …

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Can we be sure of our standing with God? Can we know that, upon our demise or Jesus’ return, we will be “found by Him in peace” (2 Peter 3:14)? The readers of John’s 1st epistle lacked confidence in their standing with God because of the deceivers in their midst. John wrote, “These things I …

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Some question whether gospel meetings are still relevant. While they may not be as effective with the evangelistic factor, they still serve an important purpose, including what success can still be had with regard to evangelism. We all need to hear the truth preached. Ppt: The Relevancy of Gospel Meetings Outline: The Relevancy of Gospel …

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When the king of Syria surrounded Dothan with his army, seeking to capture Elisha, the man of God’s servant became frightened. Yet, Elisha had faith in God, and knew they would be protected. So he prayed, “‘Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.’ Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young …

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“Then Peter opened his mouth and said: ‘In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality’” (Acts 10:34). God is no respecter of persons. He does not consider outward appearance, but looks to the heart, and judges each man the same way. Salvation is given to those who submit to His gospel. If God shows …

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Much of the religious world today think God has predestined everything that will happen in their life. The idea is that God has mapped out a specific plan for each individual that is distinctive from each other plan. Is this scriptural? Does God have a special plan for me? Ppt: Does God have a special …

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Sin makes the tender heart feel the sting of guilt. This guilt exists so that we can know the ugly nature of sin, and its consequences. In Christ Jesus, this guilt can be taken away. Ppt: The Guilt of Sin Outline: The Guilt of Sin Download: mp3

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“The hearing ear and the seeing eye, the Lord has made them both” (Proverbs 20:12). This proverb seems to simply state a fact. Yet, the fact is quite astounding. God’s wisdom is unmatched, and His creative power, unfathomable. In his obduracy, man refuses to accept the existence of a Creator. He cries, “Where is the …

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The claim that sin is hereditary, and as such all are born in sin because of Adam’s sin, is taught in part by using the text of Romans 5:12-21. Necessarily springing from such logic used in that interpretation is the concept of universalism – all men are saved through Christ just as all men were …

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The “day of the Lord” was used in the Old Testament in reference to days of destruction, revenge, punishment, and also deliverance. It is used in the New Testament to refer to the second coming of Christ when He will judge the world – sentencing everlasting punishment to evil doers, and everlasting salvation to the …

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