Our Savior has many names given Him by inspiration in the scriptures. Each has a meaning relevant to understanding Him and His relationship to us. The name “Nazarene” is examined, and application is made. Ppt: Jesus – The Nazarene Outline: Jesus – The Nazarene Audio: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: Jesus – The NazareneSalvation
Calvinistic doctrine is rampant in the “Christian” society. It presents itself in bits and pieces throughout the denominations. The doctrines of Calvin pose a threat to even the Lord’s church. Hints of the doctrine of the substitutionary life of Christ, and the transfer of His righteousness to the believer are evident in language used by …
Continue reading Sermon: Christ and Our RighteousnessSermon audio of October 4th-9th gospel meeting with Larry Wright of Garden City, Georgia. Study to Show Yourself Approved – mp3 Why Keep Jesus Suffering – mp3 The Act of Worship – mp3 Peacemakers – mp3 Who’s going to make sure you’re raised up? – mp3 How do you stand in the courtroom of God? …
Continue reading Gospel Meeting with Larry WrightOn our journey to the Promised Land there will be trials of adversity. There will be seemingly daunting tasks. We are to show confidence in God as we are Approaching Jordan’s Bank, unlike unfaithful and disobedient Israel (cf. Hebrews 3:7-19). Ppt: Approaching Jordan’s Bank Outline: Approaching Jordan’s Bank Audio: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: Approaching Jordan’s BankThe “Faith Only” doctrine is very popular. However, it is not scriptural. This lesson speaks about the action of faith using examples from Hebrews 11, and ending with our command to be baptized – “buried with Him in baptism, in which you also were raised with Him through faith in the working of God, who …
Continue reading Sermon: Faith in the Working of GodWho is the Holy Spirit and what role does He play in salvation? Ppt: The Holy Spirit and Salvation Outline: The Holy Spirit and Salvation Audio: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: The Holy Spirit and SalvationPaul begins his letter to Titus with a needed explanation. The defense of his apostleship is seen in various places throughout scripture. “As…one born out of due time” (1 Corinthians 15:8) his apostleship was questioned by some. However, Titus was aware of the legitimacy of his office, for Paul described him as “a true son …
Continue reading Pondering Scripture: Titus 1:1-4The earth rotates, revolves around the sun, and time continues. With the constant change in time there is a constant change in the events of life. These changes in life do not always work to our favor. In fact, the writer of Ecclesiastes explained, “I returned and saw under the sun that – The race …
Continue reading Article: Christians: Timeless OptimistsThe apostle Paul makes a strong point in 1 Corinthians 10 about the ever-present danger of apostasy. He wrote, “Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall” (v. 12). This sermon discusses the context of this passage which begins in chapter 8 and ends in chapter 11 verse 1. Outline: Take …
Continue reading Sermon: Take Heed Lest You FallActs 3 records the healing of the lame man who “laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful” (v. 2). Those who witnessed the lame man walking at the side of Peter and John were “greatly amazed” (v. 11). This opened a door of opportunity for Peter to speak about the …
Continue reading Article: Times of Refreshing