
Despite all the troubles and sorrows in the world Christians can always be “rejoicing in hope” (Romans 12:12). This hope allows rejoicing because of its nature. It is not up to speculation, or chance. A Christian’s hope is different than any hope the world might have. Ppt: A Christian’s Hope     Outline: A Christian’s Hope     Audio: …

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Many have followed doctrines of men that teach salvation by one thing only. However, an honest look at scripture proves otherwise. Salvation involves many interdependent factors. Fourteen are considered. Ppt: Things That Save     Outline: Things That Save     Audio: mp3

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After experiencing the vision of the Macedonian plea for help (cf. 16:9-10), Paul – along with the company of Silas, Timothy, and Luke – journeyed to Philippi to preach the gospel. God’s plan to preach the gospel to the Jews led Paul firstly to the synagogue upon entering a city. However, Philippi had no synagogue, …

Continue reading Pondering Scripture: Acts 16:11-15

The text records events “before the Feast of the Passover” (v. 1). Jesus final moments before His imminent death He took as an opportunity to teach His disciples. Contained in these seventeen verses is a lesson of paramount importance to our salvation, and our lives of discipleship in this foreign land. “After that, He poured …

Continue reading Pondering Scripture: John 13:1-17

The given text records our Lord’s entry into Jerusalem that many refer to as, “The Triumphal Entry.” In the text, Jesus gives a commission to two of His disciples to enter a village, and bring to Him a colt that would be tied up near the entrance. His disciples followed the orders given them, and …

Continue reading Pondering Scripture: Mark 11:1-11

In Paul’s first letter to young Timothy he labels the church as “the pillar and ground of the truth” (1 Timothy 3:15). This language paints an image of the church that must be understood. Truth is that which always has been, and always will be. It is objective in nature, and therefore is independent of …

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Of the letters written to the seven churches in Asia, the one addressed to Smyrna was one of two without complaint. This letter is one of immense encouragement to the church experiencing great persecution. Under the rule of Domitian, emperor worship was obligatory. The Christians in Smyrna found themselves in trials day after day, choosing …

Continue reading Pondering Scripture: Revelation 2:8-11

Peter wrote, “For this reason I will not be negligent to remind you always of these things, though you know and are established in the present truth. Yes, I think it is right, as long as I am in this tent, to stir you up by reminding you” (2 Peter 1:12-13). Constant reminders of the …

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HEAVEN Live Faithfully (cf. Revelation 2:10) Be Baptized (cf. Mark 16:16; 1 Peter 3:21) Confess Christ (cf. Romans 10:9) Repent of You Sins (cf. Acts 2:38) Believe the Word (cf. Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38) Hear the Word (cf. Romans 10:17) The Bible clearly defines the steps to heaven. In order to obtain salvation each step …

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This sermon discusses things accomplished by Christ’s crucifixion. Ppt: The Significance of Christ’s Crucifixion   Outline: The Significance of Christ’s Crucifixion   Audio: mp3

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