
I recall a post I came across on Facebook that stated “Religion says do. Jesus says done.” This false notion is motivated by the idea that we are saved by grace alone. The doctrine removes the need for obedience, and personal responsibility. The scripture clearly describes two parts to salvation – God’s, and man’s. While …

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Many individuals claim to have a relationship with Jesus. This relationship is on their own terms. What does the Bible say about Christ’s relationship with believers? Does this relationship match the one you claim to have? Ppt: Having A Relationship With Christ     Outline: Having A Relationship With Christ     Audio: mp3

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Pride is destructive because God hates it, and it is sin. It proves destructive in many ways. Christians should be humble, not proud and arrogant. Ppt: Destructive Pride     Outline: Destructive Pride     Audio: mp3  

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Why should I become a Christian? This is a good question indeed! There are many reasons as to why you should. Here are three to seriously consider: Your Past – The Bible states, “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). In your past you have failed to abide by …

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Adjectives such as militant that are used to describe religious activists have been given an extremely negative connotation. This is so due to barbaric religions such as Islam that encourage physical confrontation, and the slaying of anyone opposed. This type of behavior is intolerable. Jesus never condoned physical harm to those who weren’t His followers …

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Believe it or not, 2014 is over! As we turn a new page and begin this New Year, let us remember what we are here for. The Preacher wrote in Ecclesiastes 12:13, “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, For this is man’s all.” Around the world …

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Jesus is given many names, titles, and descriptions. Paul says in 1 Timothy 2:5 that there is “one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus.” This lesson discusses that fact. Ppt: One Mediator Between God and Men Outline: One Mediator Between God and Men Audio: mp3

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This sermon uses Hebrews 12:16-17 to discuss the idea of selling your birthright. How much would you sell it for? Or how much would you give to secure it? Audio: mp3

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A study of Galatians 3 shows the purpose the old law served, and the position individuals were in under it. Salvation is through Christ, by promise, not of merit. Outline: O Foolish Galatians Audio: mp3

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A study of Galatians 4 that shows our salvation is from promise, not merit. Outline: Children of the Bondwoman or Free Audio: mp3

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