Sermon audio of November 2-5 gospel meeting with Eddie Caskey from Dallas, Texas.

Why should we serve God? (Job – class)

The account of Job is used to show why we should serve God at all times.

Audio: mp3

Does God have your heart?

A common reason for our spiritual struggles is the lack of love, devotion, and passion we should have for God. Eddie discusses how we might renew those things in our lives.

Audio: mp3

Do you want to be made well?

The account of Jesus healing the lame man in John 5 is used to illustrate what must be done to be made well, and the consequences that follow being made well.

Audio: mp3

Finding Strength

What is missing in our lives of service to God? Where can we find strength?

Audio: mp3

Who will carry you?

Eddie discusses the foolishness of depending on things in the world to carry us in life. Our dependence must be on God.

Audio: mp3

Wanderer, Come Home!

Eddie discusses the possibility of drifting away from God and the call to be restored again to Him.

Audio: mp3