1069919_412031702250347_941912030_nThe doctrine of hereditary depravity is certainly not new to the scene. This age-old doctrine has led many astray throughout its existence, and has contributed to the birth of other false doctrines. Hereditary depravity is the idea that the original sin of Adam and Eve is inherited at birth. It also teaches, “from this original corruption, whereby we are utterly indisposed, disabled, and made opposite to all good, and wholly inclined to all evil, do proceed all actual transgressions” (The Presbyterian Confession of Faith, Chapter 6: V). This perversion of God’s word gives way to the practice of infant baptism; the concept that, without direct power from the Holy Spirit, one cannot obey the gospel (which leads to the doctrine of unconditional election); and countless other distortions.

The Bible clearly communicates a message of personal accountability. “The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not bear the guilt of the father, nor the father bear the guilt of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself” (Ezekiel 18:20). By definition, sin is a choice. It is rebellion against God’s law (cf. 1 John 3:4), and a conscious decision to fulfill carnal desires (cf. James 1:14-15). Nobody can make that decision for you.

Jesus told His disciples, “Assuredly I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:2). According to the doctrine of hereditary depravity, Jesus was telling His disciples to be the opposite of all good, and be wholly inclined to evil. On the contrary, Jesus was teaching the lesson of humility, and purity!

The doctrine of hereditary depravity is in complete opposition to all that is taught in scripture!

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