Question smallerThe given text records our Lord’s entry into Jerusalem that many refer to as, “The Triumphal Entry.” In the text, Jesus gives a commission to two of His disciples to enter a village, and bring to Him a colt that would be tied up near the entrance. His disciples followed the orders given them, and they “threw their clothes on [the colt]” for Jesus to sit. Jesus fulfilled messianic prophecy (cf. Zechariah 9:9) by riding in the city on the colt while the people covered the road with clothes, and branches, and cried out to Him. Following His visit, Jesus and the twelve went out to Bethany.

This wonderful text shows the beginning of Jesus last days before His death on the cross where He would triumph over sin, and death through His resurrection. The people that gathered celebrated the kingdom which was at hand. Jesus’ humble appearance – riding on a donkey – emphasizes the nature of His ministry, and kingdom. It was not an earthly kingdom, but a spiritual one (cf. John 18:36). They cried, “Hosanna!” which means “help,” or “save I pray.” Jesus entry was a sign of prophecy being fulfilled, and salvation being brought to man!