Pondering ScriptureThe tranquil joy that comes with faithful obedience is to be enjoyed, yet not without vigilance. John exhorts continued faithfulness by walking according to God’s commandments. There are some who threaten that peace afforded those who enjoy God’s mercy and grace through obedience.

These deceivers are opposed to Christ, or “antichrist.” They are not a special kind of evil, or some specific individual in the past or future. They are false teachers. Anyone opposed to Christ is logically “anti-Christ.” They are the spirits who are to be tested (cf. 1 John 4:1). Their doctrine teaches against “Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh” – a doctrine pertinent to our salvation (cf. John 1:14; Hebrews 2:10-18), as is any doctrine of Christ. This is simply a specific heresy which John addresses. It is erroneous to contend the instruction in this epistle pertains only to this facet of Christ’s doctrine. It must all be accepted. It must all be followed.

The apostolic doctrine has been established. Thus, a congregation of God’s children has been constructed. This can only be accomplished on the foundation of Christ (cf. 1 Corinthians 3:11). To be deceived and follow the antichrist’s doctrine would be to ruin what has thus far been “worked for,” and to forfeit eternal reward.