patternist-1Some suggest the New Testament is only relevant for those who have been given kingdom citizenship – aliens are not subject to the law of Christ. In part, this concept has been used to nullify unscriptural divorces for those who are not Christians. They are told they can remain in an adulterous marriage upon obedience to the gospel because Matthew 19:1-9 only applies to Christians, and they were married beforehand. This is an insidious doctrine which puts souls in danger of hell fire.

This false doctrine is rooted in a misunderstanding, or an utter carelessness for the covenant relationship with God, and the authority of Christ.

When God makes a covenant with man it is more than a mere “mutual agreement.” The new covenant is a gracious promise on God’s part to “be merciful” and “remember no more” the “sins and…lawless deeds” of those who submit in obedience (cf. Hebrews 8:12). Nevertheless, it remains as an absolute demand from God that all men obey (cf. Acts 17:30-31). The great commission itself suggests that “all the world,” i.e. “every creature” is subject to this law (cf. Mark 16:15). Baptism is a facet of Christ’s law incumbent upon all men everywhere. Thus, all are under the law of Christ.

Jesus said, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth” (Matthew 28:18). Who is not included “in heaven and on earth?” His preeminence demands the obedience of all (cf. Colossians 1:15-18). In the end, every knee will bow (cf. Philippians 2:9-11) – this will include those who have not become citizens of the kingdom. There will finally be order based on what Christ’s authority demands – the obedience of all. This suggests that all who live are subject to His law, whether Christians or not.

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