photo_0160642356cqgwhdSix days after Peter confessed Jesus as the Christ (8:29), and Jesus spoke of His death and resurrection (8:31-33), and encouraged His disciples and the people to follow Him (8:34-9:1), “Peter, James, and John” experienced something wonderful. After being led up a mountain, they saw Jesus transfigured, or change form. His countenance was “exceedingly white, like snow” (v. 3), and manifested “His majesty…honor and glory” (2 Peter 1:16-17).

Elijah and Moses also appeared with Him, and they conversed. Luke reveals their topic of discussion (cf. Luke 9:31). Peter reacted impetuously by offering to build three tabernacles to honor them. By doing this he placed Jesus on equal plane with Moses and Elijah. Thus, God’s voice came from a cloud and said, “This is My beloved Son. Hear Him!” (v. 7). Moses and Elijah were gone, but Jesus remained. It is suggested that Moses represented the law, and Elijah the prophets, both of which Jesus came to fulfill (cf. Matthew 5:17). Now Jesus is the authority (cf. Matthew 28:18), and God speaks through Him (cf. Hebrews 1:1-2).

Jesus gave them instruction not to speak of the things they had seen until “the Son of Man had risen from the dead” (v. 9). This command they kept. Peter used this eyewitness account in his spreading of the gospel (cf. 2 Peter 1:16-18). Still not fully understanding, they questioned concerning the resurrection of which Jesus spoke (v. 10).