photo_0163421720stuvspIndividual Christians and churches must be circumspect regarding those with whom they associate. The right hand of fellowship must not be extended to those who are not worthy (cf. 16:17; 1 Corinthians 5:9; 2 John 9-11; etc.). As such, warnings about those who are false brethren were included in epistles to other Christians and churches. Conversely, Christians and churches are expected to receive those that God receives (cf. 3 John). Paul commended Phoebe to the church at Rome as a faithful member of the church, “that you may receive her in the Lord in a manner worthy of the saints” (v. 2). The reason for Phoebe’s travels are not disclosed, but Paul instructed the brethren to help her in any way she needed (v. 2). Christians should have a servant’s heart just as their Lord (cf. John 13:1-17).

Paul described Phoebe as “a servant of the church in Cenchrea” (v. 1). Cenchrea was an eastern port in Corinth. Phoebe was a diakonos of the Cenchrean church. Some conjecture that she held the office of deaconess. “We let our minds run to officialism too much” (R. L. Whiteside, Paul’s Letter to the Saints at Rome, pg. 293). Any office held in the church is held by men, according to God’s designed order of authority (cf. 1 Corinthians 11:3, 8-9; 14:34-35; 1 Timothy 2:11-15). The deacon office is occupied by those who are “the husband of one wife,” among other qualifications (cf. 1 Timothy 3:8-13). Phoebe was a diakonos due to her acts of servitude performed toward others – “for indeed she has been a helper of many and of myself also” (v. 2). We should all seek to emulate Phoebe’s behavior, and attain a reputation similar to hers.

NOTE: One has expressed to me before their lack of understanding concerning the office of a deacon. Diakonos simply means an attendant, minister, servant. Phoebe was a servant, as all Christians should be, so why the office of the deacon? Is this office superfluous or meaningless? Much to the contrary. The deacon office is subject to the authority of the elders. They are men who are proven in areas of Christian service, who, under the authority of elders, are held accountable to the specified instructions given to them. Such a design from Divine wisdom ensures needed work will be accomplished (cf. Acts 6:1-4).