“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.” (John 3:16-17)

It is comforting to know that God’s motivation in sending Jesus was that He loved us, and His purpose in sending Him was to save us. It is also comforting to know what God did NOT send Jesus to do – condemn the world. But what does that mean? These verses have been misunderstood by many resulting in false comfort.

This verse does not express any clemency toward unrepented sin. It does not represent the possibility of escaping condemnation while holding onto sin. It demonstrates the only way of salvation from sin, but continuing in sin is antithetical to salvation.

Jesus’ first advent was for the salvation of souls. He came to reveal the Father and die to set men free from sin by His blood. There was a time when His disciples assumed He would authorize the destruction of an entire village, but He told them they were ignorant about His saving purpose (cf. Luke 9:51-56). However, He did speak of future judgment and condemnation (cf. John 5:28-30; 12:48).

Before these words in John’s gospel the illustration of the bronze serpent in the wilderness was used to demonstrate the salvation offered by God in Jesus (cf. John 3:14-15; Numbers 21:4-9). The serpent was not lifted up to condemn, but to save. However, if the people did not look upon it as instructed, they would have died. What killed them? The bronze serpent? No, they had been bitten by “fiery serpents” (Numbers 21:6) as a punishment for sin, and the only “cure” was the provision of God’s grace. So it is with Jesus. He did not have to condemn, because man had already sinned and stood condemned. He came to save. However, for a man to love darkness rather than Jesus who is the Light is tantamount to signing his own death warrant (cf. John 3:18-20). Men will still be condemned in the end, and suffer eternal punishment, but it will not be for lack of effort on God’s part to save them!

Will you come to the light? (cf. John 3:21)

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