Is there a god? Many have pondered this question throughout the ages. There is much evidence to support His existence. Christians must have a personal conviction of this truth in order to please God. Are you ready to give an answer for your belief in God (cf. 1 Peter 3:15). Ppt: There is a God …
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The liberal agenda present in this country which seeks to diminish the positive outlook on faith has proved successful to a great degree. Men and women of all ages continue to subscribe to the notion that “faith” is a word which connotes ignorance, folly, gullibility, irrationality, blindness, immaturity, and primitivism; that those who proudly uphold …
Continue reading Living by Faith Among the Skeptics“The hearing ear and the seeing eye, the Lord has made them both” (Proverbs 20:12). This proverb seems to simply state a fact. Yet, the fact is quite astounding. God’s wisdom is unmatched, and His creative power, unfathomable. In his obduracy, man refuses to accept the existence of a Creator. He cries, “Where is the …
Continue reading Facebook: Eyes and EarsWhile Paul waited for Silas and Timothy in Athens, “his spirit was provoked within him when he saw that the city was given over to idols” (Acts 17:16). To illustrate the state of that city, the Holy Spirit used the word, kateidōlos. The word is used only in this place. It means “utterly idolatrous” (Strong). …
Continue reading Article: TranscendenceThe vast wisdom of God in all His institutions is unmistakable. His designs are without flaw, and excel in functionality. He accomplishes things which exceed our own ability, and are consistently too wonderful to comprehend. From “the dust of the ground” (Genesis 2:7) and His own breath He set in motion the elements of human …
Continue reading Article: Like a Little Child“In the beginning God created” (Genesis 1:1). His purpose was not withheld from Him (cf. Job 42:2). His abilities transcend the impossible (cf. Matthew 19:26). With His power and through His Word creation ensued (cf. John 1:3). From nothing came something. He announced, “’Let there be light’; and there was light…’Let there be a firmament…let …
Continue reading Article: Defying Immutable LawsRecently, “The View” invited presidential candidates to discuss various topics brought up in their campaign. Dr. Ben Carson was asked about his “view” concerning evolution. The short conversation on this particular topic showed the lack of consistency and logic with those who are advocates of evolution. Joy Behar: “I know…you’re a scientist and yet I …
Continue reading Notable News: “The View” of Evolution
The existence of suffering has caused many to abandon their belief in God. If God is both good, and omnipotent, why is there suffering in the world? Why would God allow such a thing? The answer to this question is not far from our reach. It is possible to understand, to an extent, why God …
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Is God self-centered? As we read through scripture this seems to be so. God is self-centered. Everything is centered toward Him. Ppt: Is God Self Centered? Outline: Is God Self-Centered? Audio: mp3
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