
This sermon is a consideration of the name given Jesus, “Mighty God,” in Isaiah 9:6. Ppt: And His name will be called Mighty God Outline: And His name will be called Mighty God Download: mp3

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Those who fail to realize the importance of following the pattern set in God’s word would do well to consider that God is A God of Order. He demands that we submit to the Divine order He has established. Ppt: A God of Order Outline: A God of Order Download: mp3

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The modern way the majority approaches God is baffling. The relaxed consideration of the Creator brings Him down from His lofty throne to dwell among the common and mundane of this life. God is no more than a friend to most. He is not considered with the reverence which is due His holy name. Jesus …

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We must believe that God is (cf. Hebrews 11:6), but we must also come to know WHO is He. It is not enough to have mere belief in His existence. He has revealed unto us His wisdom and will (cf. 1 Corinthians 2). We must search it out and come to know Him more intimately. …

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Is there a god? Many have pondered this question throughout the ages. There is much evidence to support His existence. Christians must have a personal conviction of this truth in order to please God. Are you ready to give an answer for your belief in God (cf. 1 Peter 3:15). Ppt: There is a God …

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The liberal agenda present in this country which seeks to diminish the positive outlook on faith has proved successful to a great degree. Men and women of all ages continue to subscribe to the notion that “faith” is a word which connotes ignorance, folly, gullibility, irrationality, blindness, immaturity, and primitivism; that those who proudly uphold …

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1 Samuel 17 records the story of David and Goliath. This familiar account is considered, and some points with application are made. Ppt: Lessons From David and Goliath Outline: Lessons From David and Goliath Download: mp3

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God’s word gives guidance to our lives. Everything we do can be directed by the Scriptures in some way. This is especially so with regard to the planning we do in various facets of our lives. James touched on this concept in the fourth chapter of his epistle. The lesson considers the text of James …

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Men draw up plans for various facets of their lives. There are times when these plans find success, and times when things do not pan out. The lack of control men have is manifest in the frequency of their failed plans. Sometimes big plans fall through, and sometimes small. Regardless of the time and effort …

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When the king of Syria surrounded Dothan with his army, seeking to capture Elisha, the man of God’s servant became frightened. Yet, Elisha had faith in God, and knew they would be protected. So he prayed, “‘Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.’ Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young …

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