
John chapter 13 records an important event in the life of Jesus. In the moments leading up to His death on the cross, Jesus took time to teach His disciples some final lessons. “[Jesus] rose from supper and laid aside His garments, took a towel and girded Himself. After that, He poured water into a …

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The text records events “before the Feast of the Passover” (v. 1). Jesus final moments before His imminent death He took as an opportunity to teach His disciples. Contained in these seventeen verses is a lesson of paramount importance to our salvation, and our lives of discipleship in this foreign land. “After that, He poured …

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As Christians we are identified with Jesus. This identity is not, and should not be, secretive. It should be apparent to the world that we are identified with Jesus. Ppt: Identified With Jesus     Outline: Identified With Jesus     Audio: mp3

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Why did the people’s perception of Jesus change so drastically in the few days between the “Triumphal Entry” and His crucifixion? This sermon examines the text of John 12, and makes application. Ppt: From The Triumphal Entry To The Cross  Outline: From The Triumphal Entry To The Cross Audio: mp3

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The given text records the first four disciples called by our Lord after being tempted in the wilderness (cf. 4:1-11). These four men were “two brothers, Simon called Peter, and Andrew” and “two other brothers, James the son of Zebedee and John.” In order to understand their response to the Lord’s demand, it is important …

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In Paul’s first letter to young Timothy he labels the church as “the pillar and ground of the truth” (1 Timothy 3:15). This language paints an image of the church that must be understood. Truth is that which always has been, and always will be. It is objective in nature, and therefore is independent of …

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Anyone would think it absurd to turn away from a sincere, loving, and caring individual to a self-serving, manipulative, and hateful one. However, ironically Paul found the Corinthians acting thusly. Their actions were instigated by certain false teachers who claimed to be apostles themselves. The Corinthians were greatly influenced by their deception to the degree …

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Each of us should be longing for heaven. To long for heaven is to long for spiritual things while in this physical body. This sermon discusses a few. Ppt: Longing for Heaven     Outline: Longing for Heaven     Audio: mp3

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This sermon discusses things accomplished by Christ’s crucifixion. Ppt: The Significance of Christ’s Crucifixion   Outline: The Significance of Christ’s Crucifixion   Audio: mp3

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Christ’s disciples responded to a difficult expectation by saying “Increase our faith” (Luke 17:5). This sermon discusses the reason for their response, and Jesus’ reaction. Application is then made. Ppt: Increase our faith     Outline: Increase our faith     Audio: mp3

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