Can we be sure of our standing with God? Can we know that, upon our demise or Jesus’ return, we will be “found by Him in peace” (2 Peter 3:14)? The readers of John’s 1st epistle lacked confidence in their standing with God because of the deceivers in their midst. John wrote, “These things I …
Continue reading Sermon: That You May KnowLight
The previous verses contained Paul’s explanation concerning that of which the Thessalonians were ignorant (cf. 4:13-18). The current text serves as a reminder of things of which the brethren were already informed – the coming of the Day of the Lord, and the conduct to be assumed by those who look forward to that day. …
Continue reading 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11In Ephesians 5, Paul explains to the Christians in Ephesus the importance of walking in the light. Because they are children of God, they are Children of light. They are to expose darkness by their conduct, and opposition to the works of darkness. Ppt: Children of Light Outline: Children of Light Download: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: Children of LightThe life of a Christian is described as a walk. “Walk” is a verb. The Christian life is not supposed to be sedentary, but active. Paul said, “I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called” (Ephesians 4:1). This walk we were called to …
Continue reading Article: WalkJohn 1:1-5 is a powerful text that reveals evidence of Jesus’ nature, and purpose. Also, within those 5 verses we see an infallible, and indestructible plan for mankind. Ppt: In The Beginning Was The Word: A Plan For Mankind Outline: In The Beginning Was The Word: A Plan For Mankind Audio: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: In The Beginning Was The Word: A Plan For Mankind“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psalm 119:105). We live in a world of darkness, and “he who walks in darkness does not know where he is going” (John 12:35). Without light we would be utterly lost and without hope. However, just as light shining in a …
Continue reading Article: A Light To My PathThe given text records Jesus appealing to His disciples as light. Jesus is light come into the world to expose the darkness (cf. John 1:4-5). As followers of His, we must let His light shine in us! This requires a boldness to let our light shine, rather than covering it up. In order to become …
Continue reading Pondering Scripture: Luke 11:33-36
The book of Ephesians describes several ways in which we are to walk. These are examined. Outline: Walking in Ephesians Audio: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: Walking in Ephesians