
The apostle Paul used figurative language in the text to describe the relationship between those of like precious faith, and their relationship to God. The recipients were “once Gentiles in the flesh” (v. 11) but have been “brought near by the blood of Christ” (v. 13). As a result, they are: “Citizens with the saints” …

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This sermon examines the epistle of Jude. The epistle notes an important responsibility Christians have. They are to keep themselves in the love of God. There is a need to “contend for the faith” by standing opposed to ungodliness and all false doctrine. If we fail, there is punishment awaiting. Outline: “Keep yourselves in the …

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I recently came across an article that sarcastically praised Joel Osteen for his modern gospel message. The author pointed out many scriptures that differed from Osteen’s preaching. He sarcastically stated that if there were differences, it is the apostles that must be wrong, for their message is not applicable to the times. For that reason, …

Continue reading The Patternists: Violations of the Pattern: The Pattern Can Change

Unselfish – In order to maintain unity within a local congregation, one must have the mind of Christ. “Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the …

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Many in the religious world falsely claim to have the gift of speaking in tongues. This spiritual gift was among the most popular in the first century (cf. 1 Corinthians 14), and is apparently sought after today. However, by “rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15) an honest heart comes to the realization …

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Why did the people’s perception of Jesus change so drastically in the few days between the “Triumphal Entry” and His crucifixion? This sermon examines the text of John 12, and makes application. Ppt: From The Triumphal Entry To The Cross  Outline: From The Triumphal Entry To The Cross Audio: mp3

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As our gospel meeting begins this week with brother Fenner, it is beneficial to remind ourselves what makes a gospel meeting great, and successful. The Bible reveals unto us the keys to success when evangelizing. Great Preparation. Prior to preaching the message of the gospel is the preparation of that message. The apostles were prepared …

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In Paul’s first letter to young Timothy he labels the church as “the pillar and ground of the truth” (1 Timothy 3:15). This language paints an image of the church that must be understood. Truth is that which always has been, and always will be. It is objective in nature, and therefore is independent of …

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Each of us should be longing for heaven. To long for heaven is to long for spiritual things while in this physical body. This sermon discusses a few. Ppt: Longing for Heaven     Outline: Longing for Heaven     Audio: mp3

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Recently, Brian Williams – a news anchor for “NBC Nightly News” – was found out for lying about the details of an experience he had reporting overseas during the war in Iraq. Upon his arrival from reporting, Williams had many things to say about his dangerous experience, none of which were corroborated by those who …

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